Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 

No Way 

"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it." 

Image result for george mitchell

George Mitchell 

Reflection: I think the statement  "Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it." means that people will think that if they cheat it will be all good and worth everything but that is only in that moment because after the long term pain will be there forever and wont let them feel good and that is why the short term gain is not worth living in pain. For example if you cheat and you use steroids, that person will think its worth it for that moment only but they dont think about the consequences which is the long term pain. 


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